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NES Party at AEA Meeting 2015

The following NES professors and Board of Directors members were present: Maxim Boyko (NES Board of Directors), Erik Berglof (NES Board of Directors), Sergei Izmalkov, Ozgur Evren, Patrick Kelly, Paul Dower, Igor Kheifets, Anna Obizhaeva, Valery Charnavoki, Marta Troya Martinez. We were very happy to see many NES friends at the reception, including Larry Samuelson (Yale University, NES IAB), Beth Allen (University of Minnesota, NES IAB), Albert S. "Pete" Kyle (University of Maryland), Victor Chernozhukov (MIT), Muhamet Yildiz (MIT), Timofiy Mylovanov (University of Pittsburgh), Michael Alexeev (Indiana University). Unfortunately, we are unable to list all of the alumni and friends who attended the reception but we greatly appreciate you taking the time to attend the NES Party.


At the NES Party, Oleg Itskhoki (MAE'2004), Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Princeton University, received the NES Alumni and Friends Association Award in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year". The Awards Ceremony was held at the Annual NES Alumni Reunion in Moscow on December 18, 2014.

We were very happy to learn that this year yet again NES graduates have successfully appeared on the job market, graduating from universities such as Stanford University, Northwestern University and MIT. 

Thank you to everyone who attended. We hope to see you at next year's NES Party at the AEA Conference 2016 in San Francisco! 

We would like to thank our alumni and professors for helping organize the event. We thank Dmitry Shapiro (MAE'2001), Alexei Smolin (MAE'2011), Rostislav Bogoslovskiy (MAE'2006) for providing photos. 

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