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Встреча выпускников РЭШ, 4 февраля, Лондон, 2013

Among special guests were: Sergei Guriev, NES Rector; Erik Berglof, Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; Member of the NES Board of Directors; Coordinator of the NES International Advisory Board, and Denis Morozov, Board Member and Executive Director, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; former CEO of Norilsk Nickel and UralKaly. We were delighted that NES professors Natalya Volchkova (MAE'1998) and Irina Denisova were also able to attend the reunion.

Guests spent the relaxed evening discussing various topics, including life in London, and NES professors updated alums on the current events in Russia. Sergei Guriev thanked all of the UK alumni donors. During the alumni fundraising campaign NES graduates living in the UK donated ?24,000. Thank you for your support!

We thank Roman Shkoller (MAE'2008) and Artem Uskov (MiF'2008) for helping organize this year's reunion. A special thanks to Artem for providing photographs.

We hope to see you at the next NES alumni event in London!

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