News & Events

NES Professor Anna Obizhaeva Wins European Finance Association Award

In September 2024, the European Finance Association (EFA) awarded the IQAM Runner-up Prize 2024 to NES Professor Anna Obizhaeva and her co-author Albert Kyle (University of…
Thu, 26 September 2024
IQAM Prize, Anna Obizhaeva, science

NES hosted lectures by renowned economists from the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

The attendees had an opportunity to listen to two lectures delivered by the Rector and Vice-Rector from the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE): a public policy…
Thu, 12 September 2024
Anton Suvorov, NES Public Lectures

Professor Sultan Mehmood's paper won the AEA Best Paper Award

A paper “Ink and Ire: The Revolutionary Impact of Russian Literature” by NES Professor Sultan Mehmood coauthored with Vladimir Avetian (Universite Paris-Dauphine) won the…
Tue, 3 September 2024
Sultan Mehmood

Marta Troya-Martinez delivered a keynote lecture at the Max Planck Summer School

Marta Troya-Martinez gave a keynote speech at The Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution (PolEcCon) Summer School 2024, which took place on July 29 — August 1 at…
Thu, 15 August 2024
Marta Troya Martinez, summer schools

The 31st NES Commencement Ceremony took place in Moscow

On July 12, the 31st NES Commencement Ceremony took place in Moscow. NES welcomed 152 graduates, with over two-thirds already employed in such fields as finance, IT, and e-commerce.…

Olga Kuzmina’s paper received an award at the Essex Finance Centre (EFiC) Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance

Профессор РЭШ Ольга Кузьмина награждена вторым призом на конференции Финансового центра в Эссексе (EFiC) за работу "Gender Diversity in Corporate Boards: Evidence from Quota-Implied…
Mon, 8 July 2024
Olga Kuzmina, Conferences, Alumni, Events
Mon, 10 June 2024
Oleg Itskhoki, Alumni