NES Professor Natalya Volchkova has been reelected as one of 24 international experts to the Committee for Development Policy (CDP). She will serve personally for a three-year…
Статья профессора РЭШ Султана Мехмуда в соавторстве с Шахин Насир (Оксфордский университет) и Даниэлем Л. Ченом (Тулузская школа экономики) была опубликована в одном из наиболее…
On November 15, the traditional Fall Research Conference of the New Economic School took place. It featured current research in economics, finance, and related fields. The…
NES Professor Sultan Mehmood participated in the workshop "Building Institutional Resilience" organized by the University of Chicago. He presented his research "Network Effects…
In September 2024, the European Finance Association (EFA) awarded the IQAM Runner-up Prize 2024 to NES Professor Anna Obizhaeva and her co-author Albert Kyle (University of…
A paper “Ink and Ire: The Revolutionary Impact of Russian Literature” by NES Professor Sultan Mehmood coauthored with Vladimir Avetian (Universite Paris-Dauphine) won the…
Marta Troya-Martinez gave a keynote speech at The Political Economy of Conflict and Redistribution (PolEcCon) Summer School 2024, which took place on July 29 — August 1 at…