Result for: NES

NES held the 54th Research Conference

On November 15, the traditional Fall Research Conference of the New Economic School took place. It featured current research in economics, finance, and related fields. The presenters included NES professors as well as professors from other universities. NES PhD students also shared the initial results of their research. The event was held in a hybrid format: most participants attended on the School’s campus, while some speakers and attendees joined remotely.
Wed, 20 November 2024
research, NES Conference, students

NES Alumni Reunion in Paris

Вечером 24 сентября в Париже прошла встреча выпускников РЭШ. Особыми гостями встречи была проректор РЭШ Зарема Касабиева и выпускница Екатерина Журавская (МАЕ'1994). Дождливая погода не помешала собраться в уютном кафе Maison Pére выпускникам разных программ и поколений. 
Fri, 4 October 2024

NES hosted lectures by renowned economists from the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics

The attendees had an opportunity to listen to two lectures delivered by the Rector and Vice-Rector from the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE): a public policy expert Nadeem Ul Haque, the Vice-Chancellor at PIDE and Chairperson of the RASTA Research Advisory Committee, and Durre Nayab, Joint Director and Pro Vice-Chancellor at PIDE. NES Rector Anton Suvorov moderated the meeting.
Thu, 12 September 2024
Anton Suvorov, NES Public Lectures

NES Students Will Take Part in the Summer Academic Program of Chinese University SWUFE

17 NES students of the Bachelor's and Master's programs will participate in the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in China (SWUFE) summer academic program SWUFE Global Academy (SGA) 2023. Two-week program, themed ‘Chinese Economy and Sustainable Development’, will be held in…

NES30 Academic Community Conference was held in Memory of Gur Ofer

This year the New Economic School has turned 30. The International Conference on Economics and Finance, as a key NES30 event, was held online from December 5 to 10.

The scientific committee included: Anna Mikusheva (MIT), Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA), Georgy Egorov (Northwestern), Lidia Kosenkova (Virginia), Ruben Enikolopov (Pompeu Fabra and NES), Mikhail Drugov (NES), Olga…

Wed, 21 December 2022
NES30, Conferences, science, Gur Ofer

Rector Anton Suvorov Addresses NES Community

This year marks an important event for the NES: the New Economic School has turned 30. We dedicate all our NES30 projects and events to the NES educational and research achievements. We are proud of what the School and the NES community reached out over the past three decades. The main value of NES is the people. It is thanks to all of you that the School continues to develop and remains a symbol of the best economic…

Tue, 29 November 2022

NES30 Academic Community Conference in Memory of Gur Ofer

This year the New Economic School has turned 30. The International Conference on Economics and Finance, as a key NES30 event, was held online from December 5 to 10.

The scientific committee included: Anna Mikusheva (MIT), Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA), Georgy Egorov (Northwestern), Lidia Kosenkova (Virginia), Ruben Enikolopov (Pompeu Fabra and NES), Mikhail Drugov (NES), Olga…

Mon, 28 November 2022

NES30 Challenge

The NES Anniversary Challenge is a global relay race of NES alumni meetings around the world. NES graduates supported the challenge for almost a year, gathered together in more than 30 locations around the world,  passed the anniversary flag from hand to hand, and signed postcards with warm wishes to the School..