Result for: Alumni

NES DNA consists of curiosity, openness, and the pursuit of truth

This has been a very successful year for us, with inspiring results of the admissions campaign.
Mon, 28 October 2024
Anton Suvorov, rector, education, Alumni

NES Alumni Reunion in Paris

Вечером 24 сентября в Париже прошла встреча выпускников РЭШ. Особыми гостями встречи была проректор РЭШ Зарема Касабиева и выпускница Екатерина Журавская (МАЕ'1994). Дождливая погода не помешала собраться в уютном кафе Maison Pére выпускникам разных программ и поколений. 
Fri, 4 October 2024

Olga Kuzmina’s paper received an award at the Essex Finance Centre (EFiC) Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance

Профессор РЭШ Ольга Кузьмина награждена вторым призом на конференции Финансового центра в Эссексе (EFiC) за работу "Gender Diversity in Corporate Boards: Evidence from Quota-Implied Discontinuities", написанную в соавторстве с Валентиной Мелентьевой, выпускницей Совместного бакалавриата по экономике ВШЭ и РЭШ и профессором Тилбургского университета (с сентября 2024 г.). 
Mon, 8 July 2024
Olga Kuzmina, Conferences, Alumni, Events

NES graduate Oleg Itskhoki to become a tenured professor at Harvard University

Congratulations to Oleg Itskhoki, NES graduate and member of the School's International Advisory Board (MAE '2004), on obtaining a position of tenured professor of Economics at Harvard University! After completing his master's degree at NES, Oleg received his PhD in Economics from Harvard. (Over the years, more than 30 NES alumni have been accepted to Harvard University).

Mon, 10 June 2024
Oleg Itskhoki, Alumni

Anna Mikusheva was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Anna Mikusheva, Professor of Economics at MIT, a New Economic School graduate (MAE'2002), and a member of the NES International Advisory Board, became a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. 

The Academy announced its new members on April 25th, 2024. According to its official

Turbulent Times Are a Good Period to Invest in Education

Anton Suvorov (MAE'1999) has been heading New Economic School since September 1, 2022. We met with him to discuss what he has done over the past year and his vision for the future of NES. Professor Suvorov became the School’s sixth Rector, continuing the fine tradition established in 2018, when NES was first headed by one of its graduates..


– You have been at the head of New Economic School for more than a year.…

Thu, 9 November 2023
Anton Suvorov, rector, alumni, students

NES is the leader in terms of investment in the Rating of Entrepreneurial Universities in 2023

The New Economic School ranks first in the Top 10 in terms of investments in the Entrepreneurial Universities 2023 Rating. NES graduates with economic and managerial degrees attracted $1.95 billion of investment in total. The second place in this Rating is taken by the HSE, and the third one went to Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The Rating in the sphere of Economic and Managerial Education represents 18 universities located in Moscow,…

Fri, 20 October 2023
ranking, alumni

The 15th NES New Economic Start Race Was Held in 12 Cities Around the World

This year the NES annual charity race New Economic Start was held at the end of September. In Moscow almost 100 graduates, students, professors, staff and NES friends took part in the event. Apart from Moscow, group and individual launches were held in 11 cities around the world, namely: Berkeley, Dubai, Yerevan, Limassol, Lausanne, London, Los Angeles, New York, Tel Aviv, Toronto, Chicago.

Traditionally, one of the most popular one was…

Mon, 16 October 2023
New Economic Start, alumni, sport