Articles of NES Professors are among the most popular ones on VoxEU

The column of NES Professor Andrei Markevich "Russia in the Great War: Mobilisation, Grain and revolution", which is based on his chapter from the book "The economics of the Great War: A centennial perspective" was in top 5 popular materials of the month on VoxEU for a week. The total number of article views is 130 thousand. Also the column entered the top 30 articles since 2007 when the website started to operate. 

On March 23, NES Professor Hosny Zoabi with Professors of Tel-Aviv University Moshe Hazan and David Weiss published the column "Women's Liberation as a Financial innovation". They received more than 131 thousand views, which moved the material into the 2nd place in list of most popular articles of the month and into top 30 most read of all time.

The column of Hosny Zoabi is based on joint scientific article of researchers which was accepted for publication on The Journal of Finance. Authors focus on the problem of women's emancipation in the historic perspective. Researchers argue that empowering women to own movable property (such as cash, jewelry, etc.) spurred industrial development in the US. Authors analysed economic indicators in various districts of the US in the second half of XIX century. After women's receival of the right to own not only real estate but movable property, the number of deposits increased in banks and they began to land money more actively. 

VoxEU is the portal of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), a community of more than 1,300 researchers who work primarily in European universities. The site publishes comments and assessments of leading economists on a wide range of topics. The audience of VoxEU are economists working in government organizations, the private sector, the academy and the media.



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