NES held the 54th Research Conference

On November 15, the traditional Fall Research Conference of the New Economic School took place. It featured current research in economics, finance, and related fields. The presenters included NES professors as well as professors from other universities. NES PhD students also shared the initial results of their research. The event was held in a hybrid format: most participants attended on the School’s campus, while some speakers and attendees joined remotely.

At the first session, NES Professor Hosny Zoabi presented research that provided evidence of the demographic and public health consequences of restricting abortions in the USSR in 1936, using newly digitized archival documents from the Soviet Union. NES PhD student Daniil Gorbunov presented his work on capital accumulation by a religious minority based on evidence from Russian Old Believers.

The second session was dedicated to game theory and decision theory. Assistant Professor of the Higher School of Economics Mikhail Panov made a presentation about an epistemic model with a boundedly-rational player. NES Professor Ozgur Evren presented a research “Path Independence in Choice Data”. 

The third session was focused on econometrics. Professor of the Imperial College Business School (London) and Visiting Professor at NES Rustam Ibragimov talked about the new results and open problems of robust and valid methods in econometrics, economics and finance. NES Professor Stanislav Anatolyev presented his research on leave-cluster-out and variance estimation.

The next session featured NES professor Douglas Campbell who presented a speech on the robustness reproducibility of the American Economic Review. NES Professor and Director of the “Masters in Finance” Program Anna Obizhaeva shared the results of her research on the invariance of switching points, where “switching point” is defined as an investor changing the direction of trading. 

The conference concluded with reviews of the research on development economics. NES Professor Michele Valsecchi delivered a speech on whether or not religion affects voting at the UN, and NES PhD student Arina Rodina’s speech featured perceptions of immigrants.

The Program of the 54th Research Conference of NES can be found here.

Wed, 20 November 2024
research, NES Conference, students
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