NES Professors have won the grant of the Russian Science Fund

The grant of 18 million rubles for three years was received from the RSF within the competition for scientific researches. “Our project will study the reasons and consequences of inequality. Among other things, it will study inequality between households and its impact on households choices. The project will also contribute to the research of inequality between the genders and its connection to development. In particular, we are hoping to make a substantial scientific contribution into the research of the importance of economic factors and decisions related to marriage and childbirth in the Post-Soviet Russia in the context of the impact of the maternity capital”, said Evgeniy Yakovlev.

According to NES Professor Hosny Zoabi, income inequality has always been an important topic not only among economists but also for social scientists and beyond. However, the fact that income inequality has been rising in most regions and countries of the world, makes this topic even more important today. In addition, Professor pointed out that NES students will also take part in the research.

“We have received the grant support from the RSF with the help of many people. Although I am the principal investigator of this grant, clearly this is a result of a cooperation between me and my colleague Evgeniy Yakovlev. I also want to thank the Head of NES Sponsored Research Office Denis Davydov for his unique help and guidance, without which we wouldn't have won this grant”, added Hosny Zoabi.

“I congratulate our Professors! This is indeed a great achievement with a significant impact for the NES. It is not the first time the School wins scientific grants, which shows a high quality of research at the New Economic School”, said NES Rector Shlomo Weber.  


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