NES Professors Took Part in the NBER SUMMER INSTITUTE 2022 

The NBER SUMMER INSTITUTE 2022 is one of the most important annual meetings of the economics research, held from July 11 to 29. NES Rector, Full Professor Ruben Enikolopov presented at the conference his work paper about online media. SAFMAR Associate NES Professor with tenure Evgeny Yakovlev took part in the sections: “Public Economics”, “Information Technologies and Digitalization”, “Labor Studies”. Petr Aven Associate NES Professor Olga Kuzmina took part in the section “Gender in the Economy: Change and Persistence of Norms”. SAFMAR Associate NES Professor with tenure Hosny Zoabi made a presentation at the panel session "Women's Liberation: a Domestic Revolution". NES Professor (visiting) Aleh Tsyvinski became one of the organizers of the section dedicated to public finance.

Oleg Itskhoki (MAE’04), professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who became the winner of the John Bates Clark Medal this year, spoke at the panel session "Sanctions and the Global Economy".

Other NES Graduates were among the conference’s speakers:

  • Anna Pavlova (MAE'95), London Business School
  • Galina Hale (Borisova) (MAE '96), University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Andrey Malenko (MAE '06), University of Michigan
  • Dmitry Mukhin (MAE'12) London School of Economics
  • Alexander Kopytov (MAE'14), University of Hong Kong
  • Valentina Melentyeva (BAE'18), University of Mannheim

Full Program of the Conference.

Broadcasts and Recordings of the Conference on the NBER YouTube.

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