New NES Professors – Alexey Kolokolov, Kiryl Khalmetski and Timur Sobolev

At the beginning of the academic year 2024/2025, three new professors will join NES: Alexey Kolokolov, Kiryl Khalmetski and Timur Sobolev. 

Alexey Kolokolov received PhD from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" in 2013, before that he had graduated from Plekhanov Russian Economic University. Prior to NES, he worked at the Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, where he taught courses on market microstructure, time-series econometrics, high-frequency econometrics, and others. 

Aleksey specializes in econometrics and financial markets, with particular contributions in advanced statistical methods, high-frequency data analysis, forecasting, spike and sudden failure modeling. His papers have been published in Management Science, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Financial Econometrics and Journal of Financial Economics. 

Alexey Kolokolov will join NES as an Assistant Professor of Finance from November 2024. 

Kiryl Khalmetski received PhD from Goethe University Frankfurt in 2014, after that he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cologne. Prior to NES, he worked at the University of Bath from 2020. There he taught courses on programming and computational methods for economists, economic design, and others.  

His research interests include Behavioral Economics, Information Economics, and Experimental Economics. He uses both applied theoretical models and laboratory experiments to study implications of various psychological motivations for strategic behavior. His research has been published in Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Public Economics, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, and Management Science. 

Kiryl Khalmetski will join NES as an Associate Professor of Economics (non-tenured) from September 2024. 

Timur Sobolev received PhD from Stanford Graduate School of Business in 2024, before that he had graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Lomonosov Moscow State University. His research interests are Corporate Finance, Сorporate Governance and Political Economy. He studies optimal approaches to board formation and peculiarities of venture financing. 

Timur Sobolev obtained his teaching experience at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Among the courses that were taught with his participation – "Innovation, Policy and Business Strategy", "Power in Finance", "Finance, Corporations and Society" and others. 

Timur Sobolev will join NES as tenure-track Assistant Professor of Finance from September 2024.

Thu, 25 April 2024
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