NES Launches GURU – New Popular Science Portal

GURU is a popular science website by the New Economic School. It is named after one of the NES founders, professor at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Gur Ofer. The portal contains all the most interesting materials on economics, finance, education, and more.

You can watch videos of the past NES public lectures and register for new ones. Among the speakers, there were professors of NES and other international universities, including winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Esther Duflo and Jean Tirole, Professor of the University of California, Los Angeles Oleg Itskhoki, Professor of the MIT Sloan School of Management Antoinette Schoar, business leaders and many others.

In the Podcasts section, you can listen to all the episodes of the NES podcast "Economics Out Loud" in which NES professors and alumni together with invited experts discuss various topics from global monetary policy issues to the analysis of personal finance. Among the guests of the podcast were the First Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva, President of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO Andrey Sharonov, PwC Partner Mikhail Filinov, Co-founder of QIWI Boris Kim, Chief Economist of Alfa-Bank Natalia Orlova, Chief Advisor to the General Director of the Russian Energy Agency Vladimir Drebentsov and many others.

In the Dialogues section, you will find transcripts of conversations with the leading experts on education, including “why apply for a PhD”, “how to choose a school”, “how international financial programs work” and many others. In the future, the section will be expanded with conversations on other topics.

The Articles section contains the most interesting materials on the current issues – from digitization to the role of capitalism in the modern world.

In the Library, we have collected popular science articles by NES professors, NES books and publications, and our professors’ recommendations on the best and worthiest books and articles.

“Promotion of economic knowledge is one the elements of the NES mission. For many years, the School, together with partners and friends, has been organizing public lectures, publishing books on economics and finance, and participating in projects to improve financial literacy. These and many other materials are now available on the GURU website, where you can gain new knowledge or expand your expertise, as well as learn about modern economic education in Russia and the world,” says Ruben Enikolopov, NES Rector.

The project is being implemented thanks to the support of our donors. You can also support NES educational activities – all the details are here.

Professor Gur Ofer is one of the most prominent researchers of the Soviet and Russian economy. He was awarded the International Leontief Medal "For Contribution to Economic Reforms". Professor Ofer was the chairman of the NES International Advisory Board (1992-2004). 

Tue, 28 September 2021
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