Ekaterina Zhuravskaya has won the 2018 Birgit Grodal Award

In 2010 The Council of the European Economic Association (EEA) agreed to institute a prize to a European-based female economist who has made a significant contribution to the Economics profession. The award is named after Birgit Grodal, who was the first female elected President of the EEA, but sadly passed away before she was due to take up her presidency. Since 2012, the Birgit Grodal Award is bestowed every even year and is sponsored by Danmarks Nationalbank. 

Ekaterina Zhuravskaya is a leading scholar in empirical political economics, and she is a world leader in the important and growing area studying the economics of the media. Her influential contributions have shown that the media can have profound political effects in important contemporary and historical settings, both in democracies and in autocracies. She has also done outstanding work in economic development, which has enhanced our understanding of the economic and political challenges faced by middle income countries and transition economies. Finally, she has also made important contributions to building research capacity in Russia and in France.

«I am delighted to congratulate Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, a member of the NES International Advisory  Board with the Birgit Grodal Award which is so well deserved.  It is an emotional moment for me, as in addition to being great economic theorist, Birgit Grodal was my co-author and a very close friend», said NES rector Shlomo Weber.  

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