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Встреча выпускников РЭШ, 2009, 7 ноября, Нью-Йорк

На фотографии со встречи выпускников в Нью-Йорке (слева направо): Ирина Графова (MAE'99), Руслан Бикбов (MAE'01), Дмитрий Новиков (MAE'98), Сергей Кулаев (MAE'03), Анастасия Карташева (MAE'98), Вадим Зипунников (MAE'03), Гаухар Турмухамбетова (MAE'98), Сергей Румянцев (MAE'02)

On November 7, 2009 for the first time NES alumni met in New York City in the roof-top bar of the Empire Hotel. It was an attempt (and quite a successful one) to bring together as many NES alumni as possible who currently live in North America. Many people supported this idea and about twenty alumni representing almost all graduating classes were able to attend. The NES population in the United States is spread across the country and many states were well represented in this meeting: people traveled from Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland, the District of Columbia and from a few other places. All of us who came to this event really enjoyed its lively and warm atmosphere. There was a lot to talk about as many people had not seen each other for years. There were also some surprises. A few people had changed so much for the best that even their former classmates weren’t able to recognize them.

A mutual agreement was made to continue the tradition of alumni meetings in New York, hopefully once a year. In addition, we also decided to create a North American subgroup on the LinkedIn website to keep in touch with each other and to exchange news.

We would like to express special thanks to Sergey Rumyantsev (NES’02) for organizing this event.

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