The 15th NES New Economic Start Race Was Held in 12 Cities Around the World

This year the NES annual charity race New Economic Start was held at the end of September. In Moscow almost 100 graduates, students, professors, staff and NES friends took part in the event. Apart from Moscow, group and individual launches were held in 11 cities around the world, namely: Berkeley, Dubai, Yerevan, Limassol, Lausanne, London, Los Angeles, New York, Tel Aviv, Toronto, Chicago.

Traditionally, one of the most popular one was the race in London. The first place in the race was shared by Gleb Paschenko (BAE '2020) and Marat Sadykov (MAE’2017). Race’s coordinators prepared T-shirts with the New Economic Start logo for the participants, and after finish they had a picnic in Regent's Park. The sponsors of the race in London were Danila Delia (MAE’2007), Olga Kwan (BAE’2015), Yuri Baryshnikov (MAE’2017), Iskander Ziyatdinov (NES Friend).

Thank you for your support!

Mon, 16 October 2023
New Economic Start, alumni, sport
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