NES Alumni and Friends Reception took place at the AEA

From January 4-6, Atlanta hosted ASSA 2019 Annual Meeting

On January 5, at the "Authoritarianism and the Media" session, Professor of Berlin Social Science Center Maja Adena presented the paper Bombs, Broadcasts and Treason: Allied Intervention and Domestic Opposition to the Nazi Regime in Germany During World War II, whose co-authors are NES Rector Ruben Enikolopov, Professor of NES and Pompeu Fabra University Maria Petrova (MAE'2004) and Professor of University of Zurich Hans Joachim Voth.  

Also, on the first day of the Conference traditional NES Alumni and Friends Reception took place at the Hilton Atlanta. NES Rector Ruben Enikolopov and Professors Efthymios Athanasiou, Michele Valsecchi, Konstantin Egorov, Anna Obizhaeva and Pavle Radicevic attended the meeting. 

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