Result for: Evgeniy+Yakovlev

Reading List: Book Recommendations from Evgeny Yakovlev

International bestsellers in one of the most interesting areas of economic thought, behavioral economics (and more) were chosen by NES Professor Evgeny Yakovlev for his bookshelf. Is it possible to find the roots of crises in human nature and our irrationality? How to encourage people to make the right choice, giving them the freedom of choice? How can we learn to make the right decisions? These are the research areas of the most stellar economists…

Thu, 7 April 2022
GURU, Evgeniy Yakovlev

NES Professors have won the grant of the Russian Science Fund

NES Professors Hosny Zoabi and Evgeniy Yakovlev have won the grant from the Russian Science Fund for the "Inequality and Development: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives" project