NES Holds Position in Shanghai Ranking

For the fifth time in a row, New Economic School entered the Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects in "Economics". The rating for 2022, which includes 6 Russian universities in various subjects, was published on July 19.

Apart from NES, only one Russian university is present in the "Economics" ranking – Higher School of Economics.

The Shanghai Ranking is one of the most famous and influential rankings in the world. In 2022, it included more than 1800 universities in different subject areas, which were selected from 5000 universities from 96 countries and regions.

Since 2009, the ranking has been compiled by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy – a fully independent organization specializing in higher education research and consulting. The ranking itself has been published since 2003. The ranking methodology considers the following indicators: research productivity, citation index, extent of international collaboration, number of publications in the world leading journals, and international academic prizes and awards.

Tue, 19 July 2022
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