NES Maintains Leadership in RePEc Rankings

As of January 2022, New Economic School maintains the leading positions in the Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) ranking, based on the citation index of 1,592 academic economists affiliated with Russian universities and research centers. NES Rector Ruben Enikolopov remains the most cited Russian economist according to the number of publications over the past 10 years, and NES Professor Andrei Markevich rounds out the top ten of the ranking. According to the overall number of publications for all years, eight professors of the School are in the top twenty of the ranking.

Meanwhile, NES leads the ranking of top 10 best authors by publications over the past 10 years and ranks second in the overall ranking (taking into account all authors and all publication years) among 173 Russian universities and research centers in the list. According to RePEc, NES Professor and President Shlomo Weber, Professors Ruben Enikolopov, Aleh Tsyvinski, Hosny Zoabi, Anna Obizhaeva, Evgeny Yakovlev, Olga Kuzmina, and others are among the most cited economists.

Research Papers in Economics is an international project aimed at creating a single information space for the community of researchers in the field of economic sciences from all over the world. The RePEc ranking evaluates 15,044 scientific institutions worldwide and over 64,000 authors.

Tue, 15 February 2022
RePEc, Ranking
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