Georgy Egorov Becomes NES IAB Coordinator

In line with the regular rotation, Georgy Egorov, Professor at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, takes over the position of the NES International Advisory Board (IAB) Coordinator from Anna Mikusheva, Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who held this position for the last five years.

Georgy Egorov is a NES graduate (MAE'2003). He got a master’s degree and PhD in Economics from Harvard University. His research interests include political economy of democracies and non-democracies, dynamics of institutions, culture, and topics in economic theory. He is currently working on questions related to weak institutions and their dynamics, interaction between market and non-market actors in business environments, and social image considerations in strategic decisions.

Professor Egorov received the prestigious 2018 Social Choice and Welfare Prize, awarded twice a year by the Society for Social Choice and Welfare based at the University of Caen Normandy, France. 

His papers have been published in leading journals, including Econometrica, American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, and American Political Science Review.

NES thanks Anna Mikusheva (MAE’2002) for the great contribution during her service as the IAB Coordinator, and is happy to announce that Anna will continue to work on the Board. 


NES International Advisory Board (IAB) provides guidance on academic matters, makes all major academic decisions, and oversees the academic activities at NES. It is also responsible, through  an Academic Appointment Committee, for all academic appointments and promotions.

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