NES Professors and Graduates Took Part in the RES Annual Conference 2023

The RES Annual Conference brings together hundreds of academic and economists to present the latest developments in economics and showcase their real-world application.

This year, the RES 2023 conference returned to an offline format and was organized jointly with the Scottish Economic Society at the University of Glasgow from April 3 to 5. NES professors Mikhail Drugov, Carsten Sprenger and NES graduates: MIT professor, member of NES International Advisory Board Anna Mikusheva (MAE’2002), University of Glasgow professor Tatiana Kirsanova (MAE’1994), affiliated researcher of HSE University’s International College of Economics and Finance Roman Zakharenko (MAE'2002) took part in this conference.

NES professor Mikhail Drugov presented his research “Tournaments with reserve performance” in the “Auctions” session. Anna Mikusheva (MIT) performed a lecture "Weak Identification with Many Instruments” during the Econometrics Journal Special Session.

With over 3,000 individual members worldwide and organizational members including the Bank of England and Government Economic Service. Royal Economic Society is one of the oldest economic associations in the world. The Society’s two peer-reviewed journals – The Economic Journal and The Econometrics Journal – contain high quality papers from an international authorship.

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