NES Professor Evgeny Yakovlev Granted Tenure Position

NES Rector Ruben Enikolopov basing on the recommendations of NES International Advisory Board and NES Tenure and Promotions Committee approved the promotion of SAFMAR named professor, NES professor Evgeny Yakovlev to the position of tenured professor.

Evgeny Yakovlev is a NES graduate (MAE'2001). He received a PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include health economics, labor economics, political economics, and applied econometrics.

In 2016, he won the National Prize in Applied Economics, and in 2020, the jury of the award distinguished his paper "Demand for Alcohol Consumption in Russia and Its Implication for Mortality" published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, and named him among the four finalists. In 2018, Evgeny Yakovlev jointly with NES Professor Hosni Zoabi received a research grant from the Russian Science Foundation to fulfill a project on the theoretical analysis and empirical assessment of the relationship between education, investment in human and physical capital, inequality, poverty and economic development.

Evgeny Yakovlev has been working at NES since 2012, with short breaks. He also holds a Research Fellow position at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), the most respected community of labor economics professors, and his articles are published in the leading academic journals, including American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, and Journal of European Economic Association.

We congratulate Evgeny Yakovlev and wish him new academic success!


Sun, 14 March 2021
Evgeny Yakovlev
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