NES is the best economic research university according to the Tilburg University ranking

NES took 1st place in the TOP-100 best research universities according to the Tilburg University ranking

In the ranking of TOP-100 best research universities (The Tilburg University Top 100 Worldwide Economics Schools Research Ranking) based on the publications in the leading economic and financial journals, New Economic School was ranked as number one in Russia (27 publications from 2013 to 2017). In second place - Higher School of Economics (6 publications), at the third - St. Petersburg State University (6 publications). Also, NES entered the TOP-100 economic universities in Europe.

The Tilburg University's ranking of the best economic research institutes is formed on the basis of publications in leading scientific journals on Econometrics, Economics and Finance. The number of publications is taken into account as well as citations and the impact-factor of the journal.

Fri, 4 May 2018
Tilburg, Economics, ranking
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